Procurement of Works, Goods and Services by Road Administrations

This report sets out a framework for international collaboration on improving procurement of works, goods and services by Road Administrations. It develops the background for a dossier of best practice summaries linked to road network and organizational characteristics so that the information can be related to particular country situations.
For the purpose of determining the relevance of best practice between countries, Road Administrations are categorized into five phases of reform. Similarly, networks have been grouped into four types from birth to maturity.
The best practice framework described in this report is intended to encourage a Road Administration to review relevant improvement opportunities and follow them up as appropriate.
The key issues for developing countries based on Committee C15's 2002 workshop in Cuba are reported to assist countries in transition.
Information sheet
- Date: 2003
- Author(s): Comité technique 15 Performance des Administrations routières / Technical Committee 15 Performance of Road Administrations
- Domain(s): Governance of Road Authorities / Road Assets Management
- Type: Bilingual English-French, published in 2003
- PIARC Ref.: 15.05.BEN
- ISBN: 2-84060-143-5
- Number of pages: 96